POP Summer Program 

Make your summer POP!

Summer participants have the opportunity to learn or deepen their skills on an instrument, play incredible music in an orchestra or other ensemble, and foster meaningful friendships. 



Make your summer POP!


Summer participants have the opportunity to learn or deepen their skills on an instrument, play incredible music in an orchestra or other ensemble, and foster meaningful friendships. 


Program Overview

Summers spent with Play On Philly are a chance to have fun, meet new friends, and grow as an artist! Through studio classes, ensemble practice, and performances each student will improve their musicianship, and thanks to our arts partners, they will explore other forms of creativity and expression such as dance, physical fitness, and visual arts.

Our program is open to students in the Philadelphia area who are rising 1st-12th graders or who graduate from high school in Spring 2025. 

We provide a high-quality educational environment where students are challenged on and off their instrument through opportunities that cultivate independence and help students explore their own identities.


Past summer offerings have included:

Exploratory Division Developing Division Advanced Division
Exploratory Music Class
Instrumental Group Lessons
Chamber Ensembles (small groups)
Instrumental Group Lessons
Wind Ensemble
Music Theory
String Ensemble
ArtChoirJunior Teaching Artist program


Performances and Special Events

A part of the Play On Philly experience is performing for each other and our community. At the end of Summer Program, we hold a celebration to showcase what our students have accomplished. Each summer presents different performance opportunities.


Current POP Families CLICK HERE

Students will be placed into a musical division based on their Children’s Orchestra (CO) level and any additional feedback from their Teaching Artists and Program staff.

If your student is currently in…  Then for summer, they will be in… 
PCO (Pre-Children’s Orchestra) Exploratory Division
CO1 Developing Division
CO2 Developing Division
Chamber Advanced Division


To see sample schedules for each division, please go to the Scheduling Section below.


We are excited to welcome students from across the Philadelphia area to join us for Summer! Please review the chart below to understand which division your child will be in based on their age and previous musical experience.

Exploratory Division Developing Division Advanced Division
Rising 1st & 2nd graders
Rising 3rd-8th grades
Rising 9th-High School graduates
No previous instrumental experience required
Students with 1+ years of experience on an instrument will be placed in classes that match their musical ability
Students with 3+ years playing their primary instrument

To see sample schedules for each division, please go to the Scheduling Section below.

Instrument Offerings

We offer programming on the following instruments*:

Strings WoodwindsBrassPercussion (Includes variety of instruments)
ViolinFluteTrumpetXylophone, Marimba, Timpani, Snare drum, Bass drum, etc.

*Note: We do not offer classes for guitar or piano.

Required Summer Payments

Registration Fee

There is a non-refundable application fee of $30 per student for all families. This includes families who participate in any POP Music Center programs during the school year.

NOTE: A spot is not guaranteed for your student until a complete enrollment form has been submitted and registration fee has been paid.


Tuition Fees

Tuition is waived for students who are actively enrolled in 2024-2025 POP before or afterschool programs at St. Francis De Sales, ICS West, and Roman Catholic High School.


Any student who is not actively enrolled in a POP before or afterschool program for the 2024-2025 school year must pay both the registration fee and tuition.

Tuition Amounts:

  • $400 for Exploratory and Developing Divisions, full Summer session
  • $300 for Advanced Division, full Summer session

All tuition payments must be paid in full by 5pm on Friday, June 13th.


Financial Aid

POP offers financial aid towards tuition for qualifying families. To see if you qualify, please click here.

Summer POP Enrollment Form

Exploratory and Developing Divisions

July 21 – August 8, 2025 at Temple’s Boyer College of Music and Dance

Apply by April 11th

Chamber Summer Enrollment Form

Advanced Division

July 7 – July 18, 2025 at The Howard Center for the Arts

Apply by April 11th

Important Information For Summer

The following is an outline of key information about our programming. For more detailed information, please see our Summer Handbook.

Program Sessions

Summer POP at Temple University: July 21 – August 8, 2025

Exploratory and Developing Divisions – full day program, 8am – 5pm


Summer Chamber Program at The Howard Center for the Arts: July 7 – July 18, 2025

Advanced Division – half day program, 9am – 12:30pm

What do I need to complete the application?

Items To Have On Hand

If you are not currently enrolled in a POP Music Center program for 2024-2025:

  • Contact information for yourself, alternate and emergency contacts (phone numbers and email address)
  • Child’s health insurance info
  • Medical/allergy info
  • Physician info
  • Placement video (for students who are rising 3rd grade or above ONLY):
    • Please provide a one-minute recording of the student playing a scale of their choice and an excerpt from the last piece they learned. This is to ensure your student is placed in the appropriate classes.


If you are currently enrolled in a POP Music Center program for 2024-2025:

  • Any information (contact, medical, etc.) that needs to be updated


POP Summer Program at Temple University: Boyer College of Music & Dance: 2001 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122

(Exploratory and Developing Divisions; rising 1st – 8th graders)


Chamber Summer Program at The Howard Center for the Arts: 1212 Wood St., Philadelphia, PA 19107

(Advanced Division; 9th graders – recent high school grads)

Important Dates

  • April 11 – Final day to apply for Summer Program
  • June 13 – Registration fee and tuition payments due; families who have not paid by the deadline need to contact the Operations Manager (laura@playonphilly.org) as soon as possible or their child will be unable to attend
  • July 7 – 18, 2025 – Summer Chamber Program at The Howard Center for the Arts
  • July 21 – August 8, 2025 – POP Summer Program at Temple University

Sample Schedules

NOTE: These are *sample* schedules

Students’ schedules will vary with their instrument, level, and interests

Exploratory Division

8am – 5pm

Developing Division

8am – 5pm


Instrument studio class

Arts Special – Dance




Arts Special – Art

Regular dismissal


Arts Special – Art

Instrument studio classes





Arts Special – Dance





All participants should strive to attend the entire Summer Program, missing as few days as possible. Because students are engaged in long-term group projects and performance preparations, unplanned absences make it difficult for a student and their peers to make consistent progress.

If an absence is unavoidable, families should notify POP with as much heads-up as possible as a student’s absence will have an impact on their studio and ensembles performances, as well as impact their own ability to perform.

Late Fees

There is a grace period for pick-up until 15 minutes after dismissal time.  

Late pick-ups past that window will result in a $1/minute late fee due by arrival the next day. If payment is not made, then the student cannot return to POP Summer Program until that fee is paid.

Any pick-ups more than 30 minutes late may lead to the students’ removal from the program.


Summer POP at Temple University

  • Breakfast, lunch, and a light snack will be provided to participants who opt into the program.
  • Participants may bring their own meals; however, we cannot refrigerate or reheat food items.
  • Students should bring a labeled water bottle to program each day.
  • All food brought into program facilities must be peanut-free.

An opt in survey will be sent to families when we are closer to Summer Program’s start.


Chamber Summer Program at The Howard Center

A morning snack will be provided for students who arrive between 9:00 – 9:30am.


Contact our Summer Staff: popsummer@playonphilly.org

Countdown to POP Summer Program!








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