Student Spotlight
Meet PEAC bassist Noah!
Noah has been playing the bass for four years. He was originally drawn to the instrument because of its sound and size – the bigness of the bass was not a deterrent for Noah! Noah says that the hardest thing about practicing is making the time to do it, “but you have to,” he says. Wise words from one so young!
When asked what kinds of musical things bring him joy, he answered that playing with others is really fun. Noah also likes to listen to different kids of music and try to identify when the bass is being played. His favorite POP teachers this year are Miss Carlota and Miss Carolina (shout-out to the alto/bass clefs over there!)
Noah is living his best pandemic life, but he admits that the biggest thing he misses is giving handshakes and high-fives, not having to wear a mask, and being in a building with others. We hear you, Noah! I’m envisioning LOTS of POP high-fives when we are finally back in person – don’t worry – it WILL come!
Thank you, Noah – we look forward to that post-pandemic high-five from you!